Do you have to be a Christian to receive help?
No, all are welcome and we do not turn away anyone who is genuinely seeking help. We are focused on remaining a non profit Christian organization, this is why a referral and/or appointment is recommended. If you do call, please note we do not schedule same day appointments. We offer prayer and encouragement to anyone who seeks out support through our local churches because we believe in the power of discipleship and praying for those in need. Our organization helps people discover what assistance is available in our community of resources. This effort can take shape beyond material or financial need. Pointing someone in the right direction can be an act of love (Mark 12:31).

Do I have to join a church to get assistance?
Absolutely not. Nonetheless, many Christian churches support Serve Moses Lake. All these churches make up what’s known as the Moses Lake Ministerial Association. This is where many local pastors meet every month for fellowship. From this group, some of our families are referred to us for an intake appointment. We discuss with them their financial, spiritual, and emotional support or need. When Serve Moses Lake verifies a client request, we reach out to our church partners and discuss how we can work together to support a need. We like to think that our families will be grateful enough to say thank you. This could mean meeting with the pastor that helped, or attending a service one Sunday to express their gratitude (Psalm 9:1).

Why does Serve Moses Lake not help with hotels?
Our heart is to be the best stewards of God’s resources. This is not always easy and many times, quite challenging. Our paradigm is a “doing with” not a “doing for.” We currently do not provide hotel stay for client(s). It is simply not sustainable to provide this service for our families or homeless population when they ask. Our policy on hotel stay acts as a bridge and requests are assessed carefully. We work with local agencies so clients will move into a shelter or recovery program if necessary, rather than reentry to the streets. Our hope is to enter into relationships with those who authentically seek to change their life. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Does Serve Moses Lake help with any need?

As we mentioned, Serve Moses Lake is an advocate for the community and our account funds are limited to donations received from local churches and community members. We do what we can, however we do not want to create dependency with any of our famiies. If we cannot help, we will do our best to find other resources. (James 4:3)

Requests for assistance are received through our connection center. A volunteer explains our process and listens to the caller. If necessary, they discuss with them what caused any hardship. If determined we can be an advocate, we will request certain support documents. Once a full review of the documents is completed, the caller is notified of our decision or their next steps.

For walk-in clients we can provide a sack lunch, hygiene kit or blessing bag with a small supply of homeless items. No scheduled appointment is necessary for this service. We also have warm weather clothing for the homeless community.

Does Serve Moses Lake get government funding?
No. We do not rely on state or federal help. We rely solely upon volunteers and the donations of those within the Moses Lake Community. In 2008, Serve opened its doors because of generous local donors, churches, and businesses. Our doors remain open and our ministry continues today because of their generosity. The Director of Serve is the only paid staff member.


– Ann Frank